Ongoing research; last updated 16 December 2011
Note: This page contains clippings which have been found since the publication of the "Heydays of Selly Oak Park"
6th May 1911 – Birmingham News
Selly Oak Shopping Week
An Interesting Souvenir
A shopping week commences at Selly Oak on Thursday next. It has been promoted by the Selly Oak and Bournbrook Traders and Ratepayers’ Association, and the object aimed at is the demonstration of the fact that the traders of the locality are able to supply the wants of the community. In connection with the festival a handsome souvenir booklet has been issued by the committee having charge of the arrangements, and this sets forth the objects of the movement in full detail, and gives an interesting historical account of the neighbourhood and a record of its public buildings. A wealth of well chosen illustrations add to the attractiveness and utility of the souvenir, a copy of which we recommend our readers in the district to make a point of securing. They are issued free but the supply is not unlimited.
During the week tradesmen will make special displays of goods in every branch of trade, and shoppers of all classes will be catered for. Prizes are being offered to stimulate enterprise among the traders, and observation and criticism on the part of customers. First, second and third class diplomas will be awarded by the Festival Committee for the best dressed windows and prizes of two guineas, one guinea and half a guinea respectively are offered to the public for a forecast of the best dressed window upon which the committee will obtain the opinion of independent judges living outside the district. In each souvenir will be found a voting paper in the form of a post card. For the best decorated premises the committee offer three prizes of two guineas, one guinea and half a guinea respectively, while the interest of the school children is appealed to by the offer of six prizes of 7s. 6d., 5s., 3s., 2s. and 1s. (two) respectively for essays on “What I think of the shop windows of Selly Oak and Bournbrook during the shopping festival”. Sports and other attractions are to be held in Selly Oak Park next Wednesday week, a cricket match and a greasy pole climbing competition being items on the programme. The Bournville Prize Band will furnish music. The termination of the festival will be marked by a military torchlight tattoo, by F Company of the Worcestershire Terrirorials, and a torchlight procession through the main streets.
Practically all the shopkeepers of Selly Oak and Bournbrook have joined whole heartedly in the movement, and in their windows will be exhibited a festival badge indicative of their association with it.
County Councillor A.C. Hayes is president of the festival and Mr. J.D. Wilson, M.P., County Councillor F.B. Darling, Mr. R. Baugh, Mr. C. Sangster, Mr. D.J. Timins, Mr. H. Lloyd Wilson, Mr. W. Holmes, and Councillor G. Shann are vice presidents. The organisation of the enterprise has been in the hands of three committees. Mr. W.H. Roberts is chairman and Mr. James Jones hon. secretary of the general committee. Mr. A.E. Looker chairman and Mr. James Jones hon. secretary of the Finance and Advertising Committee, and Mr. Harry Roberts chairman and Mr. J. Haynes secretary of the Attraction and Competition Committee. They have done their work well, and it now remains for the local public to crown their efforts with success by the interest which they evince in the festival.